Thursday, November 19, 2009

.50 blowgun hunting

This afternoon i was watching some T.V and looked at my birdfeeder and there was a english or house sparrow, and as for those that dont know, house sparrows can be real pests and are on the invasive species list. So having shot so many with my air rifle, i decided to try it with my friends .50 blowgun. Slowly i opened the door, took a deep breath and fired. Seeing a puff of feathers shoot out i went to see my quarry. The sharp spearhead dart had gone through its vitals and out the other side resulting in an almost instant kill. Blowgun hunting is a challenging way the urban-hunter can control pests. With good practice and shot placement you can score quick kills on animals such as starlings, sparrows, squirrels and even close range rabbits. I recomend using
spearhead or spike darts, these are the best for hunting as they have good weight and cutting area. And also out of the calibers, i would reccomend .50 caliber i own all three, ( .40, .50 and .625) because of its combination of speed, accuracy and weight retention. Good luck

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